its john douglas. i am the lone commenter. this is the douglas comment. once every 120 years or so the douglas' comment comes flying over the surface of the earth. thousands turn out to read the comment. its sheer brilliance is staggering and to behold it is breathtaking. so what is this long awaited comment that comes barreling through the night sky flying overhead like a shining golden light from heaven?
John Douglas. You are a gem. Thank you for your participation in the Gathering and on this blog. And I'm very sorry about the garden! Ivan and I surely enjoyed eating the last of the pole-beans from said garden the other night. muchas grax!
its john douglas. i am the lone commenter. this is the douglas comment. once every 120 years or so the douglas' comment comes flying over the surface of the earth. thousands turn out to read the comment. its sheer brilliance is staggering and to behold it is breathtaking. so what is this long awaited comment that comes barreling through the night sky flying overhead like a shining golden light from heaven?
its cold out there. my vegetable garden died.
John Douglas. You are a gem. Thank you for your participation in the Gathering and on this blog. And I'm very sorry about the garden! Ivan and I surely enjoyed eating the last of the pole-beans from said garden the other night. muchas grax!
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