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Saturday, April 21, 2007

Our own Pete Deeble on the 'Gum...

For music-nerds, Scott at Stereogum provides a daily wrap-up of the goings-on. In today's entry, the Gathering's own Pete Deeble had a question for Henry Rollins, sparking interesting debate in the comments section...

The A.V. Club sat down with Rollins and had Henry answer reader mail about the state of the union and the country's political direction. You won't be surprised to know he's got an opinion about Dubya. Though his answer may surprise you.

A.V. CLUB: Do you give credit to George W. in any area, or do you feel (as most in this A.V. Club demographic seem to) that every single thing he has done in seven years has been sinister, self-serving, and/or stupid? —Pete Deeble

HENRY ROLLINS: I think the Bush administration has done almost, if not all, the things they set out to do, and in record time. I am sure they are well impressed with themselves. I think that all the peace and prosperity we enjoy now, our surplus of cash, and good standing in the world is a testament to…

Oh, wait, that was the other guy. Yes, I guess that I am one of those people who would probably be going with that whole "sinister and stupid" thing. I guess I am part of that "A.V. Club demographic," the one that comprises more than 60 percent of America. It's strange to be in the majority, I'm not used to it.
Gotcha! It's okay, he got us too."

Click here to read more. (Please be advised: Strong language used by some commenters in forwarding link.)


At 4/23/2007 4:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 4/23/2007 4:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey everyone,

I just want to clarify that I do not agree with Henry Rollins' answer to my question. I asked him this in hopes that he would show some balance and win some credibility for the rest of his comments, but this was sadly not the case.


At 5/01/2007 11:41 PM, Blogger eric fielding balmer said...

Dirty, dirty Deeble. Snap!



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