Reflecting on Mission/Vision
In this past Sunday's Gathering, Matt McNabb made a short presentation, detailing the proposed mission and vision statements of Grace Brethren Church, and requested our response, comments, questions, and feedback:Mission: A community of the new creation, living out the Gospel, for the flourishing of all...
Vision: Catalyzing a global movement of the Gospel, that begins by impacting 40,000 people with the Gospel by 2015.
A discussion followed, highlighting these four questions:
1.) What intrigues you about these two statements?
2.) What excites you...?
3.) What would you do differently...?
4.) What would Long Beach look like, if we were fulfulling this?
We will be continuing the discussion regarding these proposed statements, at the Gathering, on 6/17.
Note: the number 40,000 was mentioned as 8% of the population of Long Beach, which is attributed to an approximate percentage of people required to effect a "tipping point", or movement for change.
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